Winter is the Basin


It was time for another trek up to New Hampshire. After a few brewery stops, we finally made it up to my friend’s house. And, there was snow on the ground! Even though weather was in 20s, we still wanted to enjoy the outdoors New Hampshire has to offer. My friend decided The Basin in Franconia Notch State Park would be a good “jaunt” for the 5 of us and our friend’s puppy. The trail and parking lot is right off the highway off I-93. We parked at the visitor center and just hopped on the trail towards the Basin. This trail was mostly flat but due to the snow and ice, it was more tricky.  In nicer weather, this is a very easy walk, paved most of the way and offers handicapped accessible viewing as well. We walked over a few bridges and eventually came across some cool waterfalls. We then made our way to The Basin, which offers rushing waters that has eroded the rock into a smooth, circular cave-like formation.  After seeing that we walked a little further before the Pemi Trail and started our way back to the cars. Our hike was roughly 3.5 miles. Even though it was quite cold, it was a beautiful day to be outside. We enjoyed our mascot keeping us on our toes.  Always fun to see a pup’s first time in the snow. Another reminder to get out there and enjoy time with friends!

The Basin at Franconia Notch State Park Lincoln New Hampshire
The Basin at Franconia Notch State Park Lincoln New Hampshire
The Basin at Franconia Notch State Park Lincoln New Hampshire
The Basin at Franconia Notch State Park Lincoln New Hampshire
The Basin at Franconia Notch State Park Lincoln New Hampshire
The Basin at Franconia Notch State Park Lincoln New Hampshire
The Basin at Franconia Notch State Park Lincoln New Hampshire
The Basin at Franconia Notch State Park Lincoln New Hampshire
The Basin at Franconia Notch State Park Lincoln New Hampshire
The Basin at Franconia Notch State Park Lincoln New Hampshire


A blog for the outdoors foodie enthusiast

Hi, I’m Mark. I live in Connecticut. I take new trips every chance I get. A good trip has a great hike, great food, and something fun to do. My goal is to search out new trips and share them to inspire others to try something new and exciting.

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